
restorers association

restorers association

About restorers association, memberships and ethical codes, Restauratoren Nederland, ICOM-CC and BAPCR

restorers association

marjan de visser

Marjan de Visser is an active member of two restorers association Restauratoren Nederland. (RN). This means that the works shall be undertaken in accordance with the general terms and conditions drafted by Restauratoren Nederland, and that the restorer has signed up to the ethical code designed by E.C.C.O. This code embodies the rules and intentions regarding the responsibility of the restorer for the work to be restored and their relationship with principles and colleagues.

For the Restauratoren Nederland Marjan edits articles for the digital news journal ‘Au Courant’. And for the Restorers Register (RR) she is part of the team ‘education’.

Marjan de Visser is also a member of the ICOM CC, the International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation. She owns a membership of BAPCR, The British Association of Paintings Conservators.



★ Mijn kennis van schilderijen en de liefde voor restauratie in het algemeen deel ik graag met collega’s en opdrachtgevers ★

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