
Restoration easel painting by Lucila Engels ENNIA Art Collection

Restorer Marjan de Visser en Art historian José Thissen Rojer

Marjan de Visser shows Josee Thissen the options of retouching.
Restoration easel painting by Lucila Engels
Marjan en Josee always have fun working together.
Restoration easel painting by Lucila Engels
Painting restorer Marjan de Visser and Art historian Joseé Thissen-Rojer discussing the possibilities of retouching an easel painting by Curaçao artist Lucila Engels. Lucila made this painting in the Seventies of the Twentieth century; it depicts a ‘harbor scene’. The Insurance Company ENNIA bought it soon after it was finished.

Restoration project Landhuis Bloemhof 2008

This – restoration easel painting by Lucila Engels – project is not the first collaboration between Marjan en Josée. Joseé brought Marjan to Curacao in 2005 to investigate the painting collection of Landhuis Bloemhof. And three year later the conservation of the Bloemhof collection was a fact with the financial help of UNESCO. Together they hold a lecture about the conservation process.

Curaçao Art Foundation 

Curaçao @ Art Foundation is the latest project in which these two women collaborate. Initiated in 2011 by Joseé Thissen-Rojer for which she obtained a grant from the ‘ Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Caribisch Gebied’, presented by the Governor Mister Goedgedrag. This foundation advocates worldwide attention for the Visual Art of Curacao.
Curaçao art

Curaçao Art

Josee Thissen Rojer receiving the grant from Govenor Frits Goedgedrag. Left, President of Prins Bernhardfonds: Mr.  W. Curiel.


★ Mijn kennis van schilderijen en de liefde voor restauratie in het algemeen deel ik graag met collega’s en opdrachtgevers ★

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