IMAT is the first application of carbon naotubes in art conservation
IMAT_nano technologie_marjan de visser_jan 2015 PDF
IMAT stands for Intelligent Mobile Multipurpose Accurate Thermo-electical. It is a mild heating device for conservation of cultural heritage assets. At 20th of October 2014 Marjan de Visser attended a workshop & demonstration hosted by the Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL) in Maastricht. At this meeting the IMAT prototypes were introduced through the presentation of IMAT design and operational parameters, illustrated with the case studies bij Conservators from Italy, USA, the Netherlands an Lithuania, involved in the project in the Bonnefantenmuseum. Participants could have hands on experience with the device at the SRAL.
Speakers on the programme were Tomas Markevicius and Nina Olsson (IMAT research project), Helmut Meyer (Future Carbon GMBH), Dr. Rocco Fuereli, Stefano Pieri and Lorenzo Giardina (University of Florence), Lorenzo Conti (Painting Conservator)Laura Amorosi (Painting Conservator) Kate Seymour & Stijn Lenaerts (SRAL Painting Conservators).
The project is funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for research. Partners are Universita degli Firenze (Italy)-coordinator, Nadine Press S.r.i. (Italy), Future Carbon GMBH (Germany), C.T.S. S.r.i. (Italy), Amorosi Laura Studio (Italy), Sefar AG (Switserland), Lorenzo Conti Studio (Italy), Istituto per l’Arte e il Restauro Palazzo Spinelli (Italy), Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg SRAL (the Netherlands), Tomas Markevicius and Nina Olsson (Lithuania) Lietuvos Dailes Muziejus (Lithuania).

The project can be followed by the website:
Marjan de Visser writes for the Au Courant of the Association Restorers Netherlands a report of this meeting in the first comming issue of 2015
IMAT stands for Intelligent Mobile Multipurpose Accurate Thermo-electical.