XRF in painting conservation

The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), the Yale Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (IPCH) and Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL) presented a jointly organised X ray fluorescente ( XRF ) Boot Camp for conservators of art and archeology hosted by SRAL and the Bonnefanten Museum in Maastricht from 8th to 11th of November 2016.
We learned how to use the safety rules for handheld XRF in painting conservation in a proper way, how to read the graphs, and what results we can get from it for different disciplines and so much more. We had great teachers, that were very devoted to their work and giving us the best they could. The organisation was smoots and above all professional! What also means each team of two conservators had their own XRF – X ray fluorescence handheld installation. But as the name predict…. it was a real Boot Camp, and I needed the whole weekend to reload. But the most important is that the new knowledge is bringing new options to improve my conservation work on paintings. I know where to find my colleagues to discuss the matter or if I need a second opinion or an XRF X ray fluorescente handheld.