Materials and Methods for Surface Cleaning and Removal of Film-Forming Materials.

In the Workshop Paolo Cremonesi dots the i and crosses the t, ‘Materials and methods for surface cleaning and the removal of film-forming materials’’.
This three-day workshop on surface cleaning and the removal of film-forming materials was given by Paolo Cremonesi. Nora van der Veer organized the workshop. The Teylers Museum was the location. Classes were on November 13-14 and 15, 2019.
see full article: Paolo Cremonesi Workshop ‘Materials and methods for surface cleaning and the removal of film-forming materials’.

Since 2007 I have been taking lessons on cleaning New Cleaning Methods with buffers, chelators, and surfactants. I took my first lessons with Richard Wolbers (IAP) in 2007. Then a workshop with Chris Stavroudis about the Modular Cleaning Program (MCP) at the SRAL in 2011. In 2012 I assisted Richard Wolbers in the lab during a workshop organized by Restorers Netherlands in 2012. For a workshop on acrylic paint cleaning, I traveled to Ottawa in 2014, Cleaning Acrylic Paint, CAPS 6, organized by Getty Conservation Institute and Canadian Conservation Institute. Teachers included Alan Phenix and Bronwyn Ormsby. In addition to this, it was very useful for me to also receive lessons from Cremonesi. He is dotting the i’s and cross the t’s.