
Mist lining using low pressure 

The installation required for a mist lining using low-pressure technique is low-tech and easy to make yourself. A tube system with holes in it creates creates an extraction around the painting. And that is done with an industrial vacuum cleaner and a pressure regulator. The painting lies ‘face up’ on the lining canvas to be added. The lining canvas has been prepared in advance with a mist of glue. Hence the name ‘mist lining using low-pressure. The whole is packed in a plastic envelope.

This mistlining was carried out in collaboration with Marya Albrecht Atelier Albrecht

Mistlining in practice

mist lining

painting under low pressure: mist-lining

In the Marjan de Visser restoration studio, experience has been built up with this method. An intern, Maggie Barcovik even turned it into an Intership project. Through frequent testing with different materials, a good insight and solid practical knowledge has been gathered about this low-pressure technique called mist-lining or mist-lining

The mist-lining doubling technique is intended to support a weakened wearer. Minimal adhesion is desirable here.   contact us

Preparation of the lining canvas

Mist lining using low pressure In order to be able to apply a mist of glue, the lining canvas was stretched prior to this. The area where the painting will be placed has been left free. The edges are taped. The last step, ‘roughening the fibers’, has been completed. The lining canvas is ready for the glue spray. Sandpaper has been used for roughening.

Applying the mist of glue

Mist lining using low pressure The High Volume Low Pressure Wagner verfspuit W625, is a paint sprayer that works with air pressure. The painting conservator uses this to spray the adhesive in approximately two layers on the canvas. The distance to the lining canvas is 30 cm. The layers are sprayed on crosswise. The adhesive layer should not be too thick and only lie on the rough fibers. This is the mist of glue that is clearly visible in raking light.

The adhesive is a combination of two different synthetic polymers and a thickener.

Mist lining using low pressure

the first layer of glue

Mist lining using low pressure 

after the second layer of glue, just like cotton candy!

After the adhesive layer has dried, the protective tape has been removed. And only the space for the painting has this mist of glue.

Mist lining using low pressure 

the lining canvas is ready for the cold lining treatment.

The vacuum with the envelope.

After the glue mist has dried on the textile fibers, the lining canvas is ready for treatment. The required envelope for the vacuum looks like this. How over to obtain the vacuum, a frame is needed that is covered with a sturdy plastic. In it lies the tube ring with the holes. Now the stretched lining canvas has been placed in that ring. And on it the painting with the image face up. Finaly the whole is covered with a very thin plastic that can take the shape of the paint layers under vacuum.

mist-lining in conservation

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Mist-lining for low pressure lining 

The reactivation of the adhesive goes with a solvent. For this a thin cheesecloth iis njected with the desired solvent. Secondly it is placed under the lining canvas for some time. The solvent vapors activate the adhesive. The vacuum ensures that both cloths adhere to each other under low pressure with the activated glue.

★ Mijn kennis van schilderijen en de liefde voor restauratie in het algemeen deel ik graag ★

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