
Gamblin Colors retouching paint

Gamblin Colors voor retouching paintings

Gamblin Colors retouching paint for painting conservation was developed by Robert Gamblin with the aid of conservation specialist. Among others my former teachers Jill Whitten and René de La Rie. Using a urea-aldehyde resin as medium that we call Laropal A81, these paints are soluble in relatively low-aromatic hydrocarbon solvents. Many colours are available. Recently I made a new palette for my colleague Agata Graczyk, a very talented young French conservator, and myself. Adding new paints to my pallet bought at Kremer Pigmente. The order of the paints is according to the system of my teacher James Bernstein who challenged me to broaden up the amount of colours in my pallet. Now I think of inviting more conservators in my studio to use this pallet and after that inviting other conservators to use it too and compare our experiences.

Gamblin Colors pallet

So I made a JPG of my retouching pallet and named all the colours used. Feel free to copy and try it and share your experiences with me.

gamblin colors retouching paint for conservation
Gamblin Conservation Colors

gamblin colors retouching paint for conservation
★ Mijn kennis van schilderijen en de liefde voor restauratie in het algemeen deel ik graag met collega’s en opdrachtgevers ★

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