
freelance painting conservators

In addition to Marjan de Visser and interns, other freelance painting conservators work in Restauratieatelier Marjan de Visser .

These freelance painting conservators do not have their own studio space. That is why they restore in the studio both on assignments from the studio and on assignments that they bring with them.

Because Marjan de Visser has a beautifully equipped studio that offers enough space for more colleagues, she opens her studio to colleagues. She offers every conservator the opportunity to use the studio for his or her assignments.

In this way, painting conservators in the studio not only share the space, materials and tools, but also help each other with the restoration assignments to be carried out. Extra knowledge and hands to share with each other is very valuable. It sharpens dialogue and time for reflection. In a consultation about a case, the conservator may receive input that she herself would not have thought of immediately. This consultation phase, which is so spontaneously created, ensures that the professional continues to perform her work properly, and does not end up in a routine, but strives to always get the best out of herself.

freelance painting conservators

Studio Inventary and equimpent Restauratieatelier Marjan de Visser

It is important to report how the studio is equipped. Where to start…The studio is located on the ground floor east-west in the center of The Hague. It consists of three spaces. A frontroom, main room and gardenroom.

Frontroom: chemistry

The frontroom with the chemistry cupboard and the fume cupboard full of all products to mix The MCP and a lot of organic solvents (2 x 3m).

Central room, working space

The large central space (5 x 10 m) is where a lot of conservation work is done. There are several painting easels (6), there is a large high table of 160 x 240 cm and a low table of 160 x 160 cm. The space is quite high 3.2 m. The room has daylight and there are two separate LED daylight. There is also good photography equipment for daylight and UV pictures. There is a Leitz Stereo microscope for studying paintings. For example, very suitable for tear mending. A Brunel polarizing microscope to examine the paint samples and pigments. Two warm spatulas (Willard & Engelbrecht, several Dino-Lite microscopes with laptop (PC). Of course, also the UV and daylight torches. The Aspeed for extraction of aqueous mixtures is also available. Even two warm vacuum tabels, a small one c 60 x 100cm and a bigger one of c 120 x 150cm.

Clean air

There is a mobile extraction system for the removal of gases, but also two filter systems for air purification from Blueair. Good for the health of the restorers. There are many pigments, from Kremer, De Kat, Scheveningen and retouching paints, from Golden, Gamblin Colors, QoR, Schminke and W&N. Retouching mediums. Resins to make varnishes, and several brushes for each varnish. Glues, adhesives, gelling agents. Measuring equipment for pH and conductivity. Especially all kind of small tools.

Clean silent room

And then the last room, it has just been finished! That will be our clean space. Here will be the library with conservation and restoration related literature. Here you can retouch all day long in silence. But there is also room for cooking and eating. The room has huge windows with doors opening onto the courtyard where we can have coffee together outside at the table.

The links for the websites of my freelance painting conservators

Atelier Albrecht

Noa Kollaard

★ I like to share my knowledge of paintings and love for conservation with colleagues and clients ★

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