
‘Conservation Treatment Methodology:Restorers enlightenment’

In 2007 Object conservator Barbara Appelbaum wrote her second book ‘Conservation Treatment Methodology’
Restauratoren Nederland invited her to give a masterclass on this subject. During the first day the theoretical session brought about a lively discussion between the thirty participants from different conservation discipline, art historians, scientists and other field related disciplines. The second day focused on three case studies brought up by the Tropenmuseum in which we were challenged to solve conservation dilemma’s using the methodology.

Today thursday 31 March 2011 Restauratoren Nederland and the Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency will organise a panel discussion evening featuring Barbara Appelbaum entitled:Conservation treatment who descides?
Case study discussion standing Barbara Appelbaum
case study presentation by Agnes brokerhof
★ Mijn kennis van schilderijen en de liefde voor restauratie in het algemeen deel ik graag met collega’s en opdrachtgevers ★

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