
Marya Albrecht

Marya Albrecht schilderij restauratie -gespecialiseerd in oude meesters Marya Albrecht (1988) is een gedreven schilderijenrestaurator en eigenaar van Atelier Albrecht. Naast een BA in kunstgeschiedenis bezit zij een MA en Professioneel Doctoraat in Conservering en Restauratie van Schilderijen. Tijdens deze

gamblin colors retouching paint for conservation

Gamblin Colors retouching paint

Gamblin Colors retouching paint Gamblin Colors retouching paint for conservation developed by Robert Gamblin with the aid of conservation specialist, among others my former teachers Jill Whitten and René de La Rie. Using a urea-aldehyde resin as medium that we call


tear mending

tear mending a large scale modern acrylic painting of 300 x 300 cm. The textile has a deformed weave, stretchen vessels, paint losses and pen on paint layer. Tear mending methode: As the tear was close to the edge and stretcher



XRF – X ray fluorescence The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), the Yale Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (IPCH) and Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL) presented a jointly organised X ray fluorescente ( XRF ) Boot Camp for conservators



NANNINGA In augustus en september 2016 was ik aan het werk in een huis aan de Sportlaan in Den Haag. Daar was een muurschildering van kunstenaar Nanninga ontdekt tijdens een verbouwing. De aannemer en de nieuwe eigenaar van het pand herkende


Johnson van ceulen

Johnson van Ceulen The painting of  the Civic Guard Portrait ‘Van Den Edelen Handboog’ was painted by Johnson van Ceulen in 1650. The painting depicting the members of the guard which was founded in 1217. This association still exists today. Saint Sebastian is their Patron.

During conservation of the civic guard painting by Cornelius Johnson

Jonson van Ceulen

Jonson van Ceulen Tomorrow, 21st June 2016, the ongoing conservation and restoration of a painting by Jonson van Ceulen, depicting the Archers Guild of Middelburg, will be open to the public visiting the town hall.   The painting of the

Cobra Museum Amstelveen

Cobra Museum Amstelveen Fondation Constant geeft veel van haar kunstwerken in bruikleen naar Nationale en Internationale musea. In 2015 toonde het Reina Sofia in Madrid Constant Nueva Babilonia en was Constant vertegenwoordigd in een Cobra tentoonstelling georganiseerd door Fondazione Roma Museo Italië.


Workshop MASTERING FILLS-INPAINTING by James Bernstein, April 2016, organised by SRAL Workshop Mastering fils-inpainting, taking place in April four and a half day 18-22. Reading the programme and the reviews on James website, I got very curious and subscribed directly.

museum MORE

museum MORE Paintings by Ferdinand Erfmann form the new upcoming show at Museum MORE, the largest museum for Dutch Modern Realism. The show opens 30th of January 2016 Restauratieatelier Marjan de Visser is responsible for the conservation of several paintings


Jan Schoonhoven The exhibition Reality according to Jan Schoonhoven is the first comprehensive overview in the Netherlands in 20 years of Jan Schoonhoven’s totally unique oeuvre of drawings and abstract white reliefs. Stedelijk Museum Schiedam October 31, 2015-Februari 14, 2016

Cornelius Johnson

17th Century Artist Cornelius Johnson Cornelius Johnson or Cornelis Jonson van Ceulen (Cornelis Jansen), *14 Oktober 1593, London, † 5 Augustus 1661, Utrecht Title        De Confrerie Saint Sebastian in Middelburg Size        198 x 340 cm excl. lijst

tear repair with needle and thread

tear repair with needle and thread It’s not always the painted side of a painting that counts when it comes to conservation. Also the backside can become a very interesting conservation issue. In this case where the angry artist destroid


Anhydrite Polarizing Light Microscopy Cours by Tracy Chaplin International Academic Projects 2015 – London Anhydrite een pigment van gebrande gips.

Identification of Pigments under the Microscope

Identification of Pigments under the Microscope 20-23 July 2015 International Academic Projecs for Professional Development Programme Tutor Dr Tracy Chaplin Polarzing Light Microscopy Cours for Identification of Pigments under the Microscope in LONDON! The cours is organised by International Academic

Morgane Noly painting conservation internship

painting conservation internship Morgane Noly My name is Morgane Noly, and I’m a French student of painting restoration at Ecole de Condé in Lyon. I have always been interested in art and art history. At the age of twelve, I

Stichting Behoud Moderne Kunst

van Stichting Behoud Moderne Kunst Op donderdag 11 juni, tijdens de Kunststofdag  van Stichting Behoud Moderne Kunst, over Lijmen en tapes presenteerde Marjan de Visser over ‘Setting 01’. Het kunstwerk dat bestaat uit tape op raatkarton, werd in door Jochem


restauratie en conservering van acrylverf schilderij maart 2015 Acrylverf. ‘Etende mensen’ is een wandschildering uit 1969, geschilderd met acrylverf en oliestift door Lucebert in opdracht van de Erasmus Universiteit te Rotterdam voor de mensa van het nieuwe gebouw. Dat is